Wing chun is a conceptual Chinese martial art, a style of kung fu that emphasizes close quarter combat, quick punches and tight defense to overcome opponents. It is a skill is based on several basic principles, of which the body structure is the most important. Like many traditional martial arts, specific details on its origins are unclear. Legend says it was created by a Shaolin Kung Fu master, Ng Mui. Wing Chun is one of the youngest and most contemporary styles of Kung Fu, having been constantly refined and adapted over its 300 years of existence.
The objective of using Wing Chun is to create unbalance in opponent’s center. Unlike many martial arts that focus a lot on strength and speed, Wing Chun’s main focus are timing and positioning. The purpose of this martial art is to teach individuals how to defend themselves, it is effective in a real fight or as a self-defense mechanism. Wing Chun is powerful, practical and easy to learn. A key Wing Chun principle is that, during fighting, energy should be used conservatively and economically. According to the theory of skill, a person who has a better body structure wins the fight. The right structure is like Bamboo, solid but flexible, well-founded, rooted but easily mobile. Good balance helps the fighter to maintain the structure after the attack or to regain it quickly if it is disturbed. A good part of the training is focused on practicing balance.
One of the significant characteristics of Wing Chun is relaxation when performing techniques. Excessive muscle contraction causes a reduction in the strength and speed of the stroke, which is why Wing Chun insists on relaxation. Wing Chun was also developed for internal use. Wing Chun method can use to sculpt minds to be calm, focused and goal-oriented. When practicing this martial art, minds must be relaxed and focused on the center of the opponent. Proper training in Wing Chun does, however, build both a high degree of physical fitness as well as mental focus.
Consistent practice develops extraordinary sensitivity, balance, endurance and coordination. This emphasis on structure and relaxed, intrinsic strength is part of what allows a normal-sized person to effectively defend against a bigger, stronger attacker. Wing chun is sneaky it assumes that fighter are being assaulted without warning at high speed. This martial art trains for a simple reflex response to interrupt the attack, get the attacker off balance, and put the fight on oneself terms.